Is Remote Work Right For You?

girl sitting at home doing office work

Is Remote Work Right For You?

Remote work has become a common practice nowadays. People are choosing between fully remote work to some form of hybrid method that allows for flexibility in work-schedule and the freedom to skip hour long drives to and from work.

Whether someone is considering a fully remote job or a hybrid model that includes both office and home-based work, how can they determine which option is best for them? This comprehensive guide to working remote is here to answer that question!

What Is Remote Work?


Remote work is when you can work from anywhere you like, whether that’s from the comfort of your own home, a coffee shop, or even while on holiday. It’s a flexible way of working that allows you to skip the daily commute, wear sweatpants all day long, and create your own schedule. You can communicate with your colleagues via email, video chat, or messaging apps, and still get your work done without ever having to step into an office. It’s a pretty cool way of working, and it’s becoming increasingly popular these days! 

But are you the only one considering remote work? How can you be sure that this is becoming a common practice? Here are some statistics about making money through remote work: 

  •  According to a report by FlexJobs, remote work increased by 159% between 2005 and 2017.
  • A study by Global Workplace Analytics found that remote work has grown by 91% over the last 10 years.

So it is clear that remote work is not a new phenomenon and although it grew in practice since the COVID-19 pandemic, people have been working remotely from way before and thriving at remote work. 

To find out the best tips for landing a remote job in 2023, head over to this article! We talk about the application process, building useful skills and much more! 

Advantages of Remote Work


So why would anyone consider working from home instead of an office? Let’s find out: 

  • No more commuting
    Say goodbye to rush hour traffic, crowded buses or trains, and spending money on gas or transportation.
  • More flexibility
    You can often choose your own hours, take breaks when you need them, and work from wherever you want.
  • Increased productivity
    Without the distractions of an office environment, many remote workers find that they can get more done in less time.
  • Better work-life balance
    Remote work can give you more time to spend with your family, pursue hobbies, or take care of other responsibilities outside of work.
  • Access to more job opportunities
    Remote work allows you to apply for jobs that might not be available in your local area.
  • Reduced stress levels
    Without the daily commute and office politics, many remote workers report feeling less stressed and more relaxed in their work.
  • Lower costs
    Working from home can save you money on things like transportation, work clothes, and eating out for lunch.
  • Positive impact on the environment
    Remote work can reduce the amount of carbon emissions produced by commuting and reduce the need for large office buildings.

Disadvantages of Remote Work

It is important to remember that there are some drawbacks to working remotely, just like office work such as:

  • Feeling isolated
    Missing out on social interaction that come with going to the office, such as in-person meetings, lunch with colleagues. 
  • Finding a balance
    It can become difficult separating work and personal life when your workspace is also your living space.
  • Too much going on
    Distractions from household chores, family members, pets, and other activities at home
  • Unclear boundaries
    Lack of clear boundaries between work and personal life, which can lead to overworking and burnout.
  • Lack of physical mentorship
    Reduced opportunities for career advancement, networking, and mentorship compared to working in an office environment.
  • Miscommunications
    Potential for miscommunication and misunderstandings due to lack of face-to-face interaction and non-verbal cues.

Self Assessment: Is Remote Work Right For You?

When deciding if remote work is right for you, there are a few lifestyle traits you may want to consider. You can start by asking yourself about the following traits to get a better understanding of whether remote work is the right step for you. 

  • Self-motivation
    Are you someone who can stay on task and keep yourself motivated without the structure of an office environment? Remote work requires a lot of self-discipline and the ability to stay focused without the external pressure of colleagues and managers.

  • Time management
    Can you manage your time effectively and balance your workload without someone looking over your shoulder? Remote work often requires you to manage your own schedule and prioritize tasks without direct supervision.

  • Communication skills
    Are you comfortable communicating primarily through digital channels, such as email, chat, and video conferencing? In a remote work setting, clear and concise communication is essential to stay connected with colleagues and keep projects on track.

  • Flexibility
    Are you able to adapt to changes in your work environment and adjust your schedule as needed? Remote work can bring unexpected challenges, such as technical issues or family responsibilities, that require flexibility and the ability to pivot quickly.

  • Comfort with technology
    Are you comfortable using various digital tools and software to communicate, collaborate, and complete your work? Remote work relies heavily on technology, so it’s important to be comfortable with new tools and able to troubleshoot issues as they arise.

  • Independence
    Are you someone who thrives on independence and autonomy? Remote work offers more freedom and flexibility, but it also requires you to take ownership of your work and be accountable for your own results.

These are just a few lifestyle traits to consider when deciding if remote work is right for you. It’s important to be honest with yourself and evaluate your strengths and weaknesses to determine if remote work is a good fit for your personality and work style.

Now that you have decided that remote work is indeed the right job type for you, it’s time to start looking for remote work! We have compiled a list of useful website that can help find the perfect remote job for you.

Setting Yourself Up For Success

The decision has been made, and you have managed to find yourself a remote job that you just can’t wait to start! Here is how to get the most out of your remote work set-up:

  • Set up a dedicated workspace
    Having a designated workspace can help you get into the right mindset for work and minimize distractions. Make sure you have a comfortable chair, good lighting, and all the necessary equipment and supplies.

  • Stick to a routine
    Establish a routine that works for you, whether it’s starting work at the same time each day, taking regular breaks, or setting a specific end time. Having a routine can help you stay focused and avoid burnout.

  • Communicate clearly
    Clear communication is essential when working remotely. Make sure you’re responding promptly to emails and messages, and keep your colleagues in the loop about your progress and any potential delays.

  • Take breaks
    It’s important to take regular breaks throughout the day to recharge and avoid burnout. Get up and stretch, go for a walk, or do something else that helps you relax and recharge.

  • Use technology effectively
    Make sure you have all the necessary tools and software to do your job effectively, and take the time to learn how to use them. This can include video conferencing software, collaboration tools, and project management software.

  • Stay connected with colleagues
    Working remotely can feel isolating at times, so make an effort to stay connected with your colleagues. Schedule regular check-ins, have virtual coffee breaks, or participate in team-building activities to maintain a sense of camaraderie.

  • Set boundaries
    It’s important to set boundaries between your work and personal life when working remotely. Make sure you’re logging off at the end of the day, and try to create physical and mental separation between your workspace and the rest of your home.

These are just a few tips to help you have an effective and productive remote job setup. Remember, everyone’s work style is different, so it’s crucial to find what works best for you and adjust as needed.

We’ve found the top 10 apps that are bound to make your remote working experience a breeze! Check them out in the article below! 

The Final Verdict

While remote work offers many benefits, such as flexibility and increased autonomy, it’s important to recognize that it’s not for everyone. Individuals who are self-motivated, skilled at time management, and comfortable with technology may be well-suited for remote work, while those who thrive on in-person interactions and need a more structured work environment may find it challenging.

Ultimately, the decision to pursue a remote job is a personal one, and requires careful consideration of your own strengths, preferences, and work style. By evaluating your lifestyle traits, setting up an effective remote job setup, and staying connected with your colleagues, you can enjoy the many benefits of remote work while minimizing its potential drawbacks.

Do you currently do an office job or a remote job? We would love to find out more about our readers and their thoughts on working remotely to earn money. 


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